Saturday, September 21, 2024


More villages liberated in Qairawan, west of Mosul

 More villages liberated in Qairawan, west of Mosul

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi troops in Tal Afar, west of Mosul.

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi troops in Tal Afar, west of Mosul.
Mosul ( The paramilitary troops have freed three villages in Qairawan region, near Mosul, on the fifth day of an offensive launched to drive Islamic State out of the region.

A statement by al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) said that the first brigade troops liberated Tal Bashuk village in the north of Qairawan. Battles between the troops against the Islamic State fighters left several militants killed and their vehicles burnt.

Another statement said that the 13th brigade troops freed Tal al-Dala’, in the south of Qairawan, while the 41st brigade liberated Thara al-Karrah village.

“The troops evacuated tens of families toward the recently liberated Tal al-Sultan village, in the south of the region,” the media service said.

“All essential needs were offered to the displaced families before being evacuated to outside of the battlefields,” it added.

Many villages in Qairawan region, a main Islamic State bastion which links between Tal Afar town and the Syrian borders, have been freed since an the troops launched an offensive on Friday to free the region.

The eastern side of Mosul was recaptured in January following three months of battles. Another offensive was launched in February to recapture the western flank of the city.

Iraqi commanders predict recapturing the remaining parts of the city this month.