Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi troops free two Yazidi girls from IS captivity in western Mosul

 Iraqi troops free two Yazidi girls from IS captivity in western Mosul

A displaced Iraqi child from the Yazidi community hold a juice after crossing the Syrian-Iraqi border at the Fishkhabur crossing, in northern Iraq. Archival photo.

A displaced Iraqi child from the Yazidi community hold a juice after crossing the Syrian-Iraqi border at the Fishkhabur crossing, in northern Iraq. Archival photo.

Mosul ( Iraqi troops have freed two captivated Yazidi girls in western Mosul, AlSumaria News reported on Thursday.

Federal Police’s Rapid Response forces were able to liberate two Yazidi girls, who were held by Islamic State militants in 17 Tamuz (July 17th) district, in western Mosul, the news report mentioned.

The two girls were in good health condition, it added.

IS abducted and executed hundreds of Yazidis after it took over Sinjar district, a Mosul region on the borders with Syria. News reports mentioned that the captives were distributed among the fighters in Iraq and Syria.

After Sinjar fell to IS in August 2014, thousands of Yazidi Kurds fled Sinjar to nearby mountain areas. In March, revealed data showed that 2,915 Yazidis, including nearly 1500 children, were rescued from IS captivity, while more than 3500, including nearly 1500 children, were still held by the extremist group. The ethno-religious minority of Yazidis came to the spotlight when Islamic State militants, taking over large parts of Iraq, victimized its members, massacred, enslaved and tortured thousands of the community members.

Iraqi commanders predict recapturing the remaining parts of the city this month.