Wednesday, September 25, 2024


CTS commander says troops liberated 47 out of 74 districts in western Mosul

 CTS commander says troops liberated 47 out of 74 districts in western Mosul

Lt. Gen. Abdul Wahab al-Saadi

Lt. Gen. Abdul Wahab al-Saadi
Mosul ( The Iraqi army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service has declared liberating 47 out of 74 residential districts in western Mosul.

Speaking to the Kurdish-owned Rudaw network, Lt. Gen.Abdul Wahab al-Saadi, CTS commander, said “during our battles in western Mosul, hundreds of Islamic State militants were killed by CTS troops. Once the battle ends and Mosul is liberated, we will announce the total losses and number of IS militants killed.”

CTS, according to Saadi, “is ready to take part in all battles in Iraq and to receive commands from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.”

On Saturday, CTS declared concluding its mission in western Mosul.

Iraqi forces have been sweeping through northwestern neighborhoods over the past few weeks in a way to invade the strategic Old City, after finding it hard to invade from the south.

Last week, Brigadier General Yahya Rasool said more than 16,000 IS members were killed since beginning of operations in Mosul. 89.5 percent of western Mosul was liberated with only a few districts remaining under the militants’ control.

Eastern Mosul was liberated in January after three months of battles. Another major offensive was launched in February to retake the western side.

Iraqi generals had predicted liberating the city before end of this month.