Monday, September 30, 2024


Islamic State execute 7 members in central Mosul for escaping battles

 Islamic State execute 7 members in central Mosul for escaping battles

Members of the Islamic State execute men by firing squad.

Members of the Islamic State execute men by firing squad.

Mosul (  Islamic State members executed seven members in Mosul on Tuesday for escaping the battlefield as Iraqi forces continue to sweep through the last few districts held by the group in the city’s western side.

A security source told the National News Center, an independent Iraqi news agency, that the execution took place at al-Mekkawi and al-Shifaa areas which are still under the group’s control. The source did not explain the method of the execution, but similar incidents for the same reason have been reported since Iraqi forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and paramilitary troops, launched an offensive in October to retake the city.

Mosul (google maps)

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command said recently it controls at least 89.5 percent of territory in western Mosul. Operations to retake that section of the city launched mid February. Eastern Mosul was recaptured in January. Some generals predict the city to be cleared from IS militants by the end of this month.

Earlier this month, Iraqi government troops changed tactics and started charging at the Old City from the northwest, having besieged the area for weeks futilely from the south. Only al-Sihha, al-Shifaa and Zanjili districts remain on the troop’s targets list before invading the Old City, according to Iraqi security commanders.