Saturday, September 21, 2024


PMUs liberate village, evacuate 300 families, south of Baaj

 PMUs liberate village, evacuate 300 families, south of Baaj

Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units)

Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units)
Baaj ( The paramilitary troops have cleared another village from Islamic State in south of Baaj city, within the troops advance to liberate the region, located west of Mosul.

In statements on Thursday, the media service of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) said troops liberated al-Khubra village, south of Baaj.

Moreover, “The troops besieged Ghelfas village, in west of Baaj,” the media service said.

“The 17th brigade foiled Islamic State militants’ attempt to infiltrate toward Harrada region, west of Mosul,” according to the statements. “One militant was killed, while the others ran away.”

In related news, “the troops evacuated 300 families from IS-held villages in south of Baaj.”

Baaj region, west of Nineveh (google maps)
Close to the Iraqi-Iranian borders, Baaj is considered an important IS stronghold.

While major offensives take place in Mosul by Iraqi troops, backed by U.S.-led coalition, other offensives are launched by the paramilitary troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi to liberate neighboring regions in Nineveh province.

Last week, the paramilitary troops launched a second phase of operations launched earlier this month to complete the liberation of villages in the vicinity of Qairawan, freed on Tuesday, ahead of advancing toward Baaj, west of Mosul city.

An offensive was launched by PMUs on May 12, which resulted in clearing of Qairawan region, a main Islamic State bastion in west of Mosul which links between Tal Afar town and the Syrian borders, from IS militants earlier this week.