Monday, September 23, 2024


Two members of “Cubs of the Caliphate” killed as booby-trapped cooking pot explodes

 Two members of “Cubs of the Caliphate” killed as booby-trapped cooking pot explodes

Cubs of the Caliphate, ISIS child soldiers. File photo.

Cubs of the Caliphate, ISIS child soldiers. Archival photo.
Cubs of the Caliphate, ISIS child soldiers. File photo.
Mutaibija ( Two members of the Islamic State’s so-called “Cubs of the Caliphate” were killed as a booby-trapped cooking pot exploded in al-Mutaibija region, on borders between Salahuddin and Diyala provinces, a local source said.

Speaking to AlSumaria News on Monday, the source said, “two members of the so-called ‘Cubs of the Caliphate’ were killed as a booby-trapped cooking pot exploded while being transferred from one of the group’s rest houses in Mutaibija to be placed on a road.”

“Several IS cubs were recently transferred from Hawija to Mutaibija to boost the group’s capabilities,” the source, who preferred anonymity said. The group, according to the source, “now depends on different methods to manufacture bombs using pots and plastic bottles in different sizes.”

Founded by the group, the Cubs of the Caliphate is formed of teenagers to either transfer explosives or commit suicide attacks.

Occasional attacks have been witnesses in Mutaibija by Islamic State against government and paramilitary troops deployments since Iraqi forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and PMUs, launched a major offensive to retake areas occupied by IS since 2014, most notably the city of Mosul.

The eastern side of Mosul was retaken in January after three months of battles. Another offensive was launched in February to retake the western side.