Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi jets shell pivotal bridge in Anbar cutting IS supply from the north

 Iraqi jets shell pivotal bridge in Anbar cutting IS supply from the north

Iraqi jets shell bridge in Rawa, Anbar, to cut IS supply from the north

Iraqi jets shell bridge in Rawa, Anbar, to cut IS supply from the north
Anbar ( Iraqi jets have shelled a pivotal bridge in Anbar, cutting the Islamic State’s supply coming from the north, a local source from the province said.

“Iraqi jets bombed on Sunday the only bridge in Rawa city,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AlSumaria News. “The bridge is located on Euphrates River. It links between the center of the city to the northern desert.”

“A part of the bridge fell into Euphrates River due to the shelling,” he added. Iraqi troops “have cut IS supply to the city coming from the northern side in the desert.”

On Saturday, a senior Iraqi officer was quoted as saying that a military operation was launched to drive IS militants out of the western regions in Anbar province.

Iraqi troops were able to return life back to normal in the biggest cities of Anbar including Fallujah, Ramadi and others after recapturing them. However, Anbar’s western cities of Annah, Qaim and Rawa are still held by the extremist group since 2014, when it emerged to proclaim a self-styled Islamic Caliphate.

Fighter jets from the Iraqi army and the international coalition have also regularly pounded IS locations in the province.