Monday, September 30, 2024


Police take over facility in Mosul’s Old City, kill senior IS leader

 Police take over facility in Mosul’s Old City, kill senior IS leader

Federal Police Captain Raed Shaker Jawdat. Archival photo.

Federal Police Captain Raed Shaker Jawdat. Archival photo.
Mosul ( Iraqi Federal Police forces said Sunday they took over a major facility in western Mosul’s Old City and killed a senior Islamic State leader as government troops invaded the group’s last enclave in the region.

The service said on its facebook page that police troops took over the “civil defense building”, killing Kanaan Jayad Abdullah, aka Abu Amena, the group’s general checkpoints supervisor, in Bab al-Beed area.

Federal Police chief Shaker Jawdat said his forces continued advances inside al-Shifa neighborhood, north of the Old City. He said hours earlier that troops took over a major “medical complex”, a blood bank, the medicine school and a children’s hospital, killing 19 militants and moving 100 meters closer to the Tigris River.

Al-Farouq district, western Mosul (google maps)

The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell said Sunday that government forces began invading the Old City, the medieval, densely populated and narrowly structured area where a few hundred militants entrenched in the middle of at least 100.000 civilians believed to be used as human shields.

Khaled al-Jawari, a colonel at the Joint Operations Command, told BasNews that army forces arrested 14 IS members, including eight suicide bombers who tried to target the assaulting forcrces. He added that the army troops invaded ap-Farouq neighborhood in the Old City from Bab Sinjar, and repelled four attacks by the militant group.