Friday, September 20, 2024


Rocket fired north of Salahuddin kills one, injures another

 Rocket fired north of Salahuddin kills one, injures another

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Salahuddin ( A civilian was killed and another was injured as a rocket was fired north of Salahuddin province, a local source said on Sunday.

Speaking to AlSumaria News, the source said “a rocket fell in the evening on al-Mazra’a village in Biji, north of Salahuddin, leaving a person killed and another wounded.”

“Security troops cordoned off the accident spot,” the source, who preferred anonymity, added.

Several Katyusha rockets were previously fired by Islamic State militants against the village.

Violence in the country has surged further with the emergence of Islamic State Sunni extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

According to a monthly count released by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, violence and armed conflicts left 824 Iraqis dead and wounded during the month of May.

Nineveh came on top of the most affected governorates with 354 Iraqi civilians were killed and another 470 injured. Baghdad came in second place with 86 victims and 22 injured. Anbar came third with a total of 136 casualties (47 killed and 89 injured).

The total number of victims marked a rise from 317 Iraqis in April. In March, the victims reached 1115, according to UNAMI.