Saturday, September 21, 2024


Islamic State empties prisons in Tal Afar over epidemics spread

 Islamic State empties prisons in Tal Afar over epidemics spread

Islamic State prison in Qairawan, west of Mosul

Islamic State prison in Qairawan, west of Mosul
Tal Afar ( Islamic State has emptied some of its prisons in Tal Afar town, west of Mosul, due to the spread of epidemics, a local source from Nineveh was quoted saying.

“IS militants emptied some prisons in Tal Afar, where detainees are held over violating the group’s rules, in the wake of unprecedented spread of diseases of scabies and pulmonary tuberculosis,” the source, who asked to remain anonymous, told AlSumaria News on Friday.

“Many of the prisoners died of the spreading pulmonary tuberculosis in some prisons, especially the underground ones,” the source added. “Dozens of prisoners, including IS members, are still held over several accusations.”

On Thursday, several IS militants including the group’s “emir of communications”, were killed in airstrikes that targeted positions held by the group on the outskirts of the town

Lt.Gen. Abdul Amir Yarallah said last week that the fourth phase of liberation will be launched soon to free Tal Afar and other regions to complete the liberation of the whole province.

A source was quoted earlier this month as saying that non-Iraqi IS militants executed the last local leader in Tal Afar and the town is currently run by Arab and foreign members after eliminating all the Iraqi leaders.

Tal Afar is one of the important strongholds still held by IS in Nineveh since August 2014.