Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Turkish-backed Syrian rebels shell IDPs camp in Afrin

 Turkish-backed Syrian rebels shell IDPs camp in Afrin

Representational photo.

Turkish-backed Syrian rebels shell IDPs camp in Afrin
Representational photo.

Afrin (Syria News) The Turkish-backed Syrian rebels shelled several villages and the internally displaced persons’ camp in the Syrian Kurdistan, activists told BasNews on Saturday.

Meanwhile, activists from Afrin affirmed that rebels in the city of Azaz and its vicinity shelled using heavy artillery, today, the villages of Gilber and Basela in the countryside of Afrin, inflicting material damage to the civilians property and agriculture land.

The shelling reached the vicinity of Rubar IDPs Camp in the same area, causing dozens of displaced persons to leave to the nearby villages, the activists added.

It is noteworthy that Rubar IDPs Camp suffered recently from a similar shelling, leaving several casualties among the IDPs.