Saturday, September 21, 2024


Islamic State’s chief “biter” flees Nineveh stronghold with huge sums

 Islamic State’s chief “biter” flees Nineveh stronghold with huge sums

Female Islamic State members (representational photo).

Female Islamic State members (representational photo).

Tal Afar ( A senior Islamic State female vigilante has fled the group’s stronghold in western Nineveh with huge sums of money, a local source in the province was quoted saying.

Alsumaria News quoted the source saying that the Islamic State’s leading “biter”, a foreign national, fled Hassan Qoi area, in the town of Tal Afar, to an unknown destination with a large amount of money in her possession.

Um Salma, so she was nicknamed, had been in charge of the female division of the hisba (morality police) service, said the source. She had been behind the fatal biting and strangling of several local women in Mosul, which she did based on sentences issued by the Islamic State’s judges, he added.

She had stolen large sums and fled, and the group launched a wide-scale search for her, according to the source.

Tal Afar, held by IS since 2014, has become the group’s most outstanding haven in Nineveh after militants lost their largest bastion, Mosul, to Iraqi forces earlier this month.

Since it proclaimed a so-called “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in 2014, Islamic State assigned female vigilantism division that would levy punishments on women violating the group’s extremist codes of modesty. The biters, according to reports, would either literally bite the bodies of violating females ferociously or use iron clippers for the purpose.