Friday, September 20, 2024


Photos: New US military reinforcements arrive in Raqqa

 Photos: New US military reinforcements arrive in Raqqa

Photos published by the SDF media sources.

Photos: New US military reinforcements arrive in Raqqa
Photos published by the SDF media sources.

Raqqa (Syria News) Media source belong to the Syrian democratic forces published, yesterday, photos of military vehicles and weapons that are believed to be US reinforcements heading to Raqqa, Qasioun News reported on Tuesday.

The sources informed that the photos show several military carriers carrying US armored vehicles on the administrational borders of the city of Raqqa.

Earlier, Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter Islamic State Brett H. McGurk appeared in Ayn Eissa area, north of Raqqa, and was accompanied by several members of the Syrian Democratic Forces.

It is noteworthy that US troops and backing the Syrian Democratic Forces in the fight against the Islamic State group in the city of Raqqa, in addition to the aerial cover provided by the international coalition.