Friday, September 20, 2024


Baghdadi’s guide to Mosul killed in bomb blast east of Salahuddin

 Baghdadi’s guide to Mosul killed in bomb blast east of Salahuddin

ISIS elements in Salahuddin. Archival photo.

ISIS elements in Salahuddin. Archival photo.
Mutaibija ( A prominent Islamic State guide has been killed in an explosion east of Salahuddin province, an official from the Shia-led paramilitary troops said on Wednesday.

“A prominent IS guide, known as Barhoum, was killed in a bomb blast while accompanying militants in Mutaibija, east of Salahuddin,” Jabbar al-Maamouri, of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) told AlSumaria News.

“Barhoum is known to be close to IS leaders. He is said to have guided Baghdadi [the group’s supreme guide] to Mosul and the Grand Nuri al-Kabeer mosque, when he gave his famous sermon,” Maamouri added. “He played a pivotal role in organizing the militants infiltration between Hawija and Mutaibija as well as other regions, given the information he enjoys about their nature.”

IS militants, according to Maamouri, call Barhoum as ‘abu Taha’. “He is from a village in Hawija. His previous job is unknown, however, he joined the group in 2014 and then became an important guide at the sprawling areas between Kirkuk, Salahuddin and Diyala .”

IS holds pivotal regions that link between each of Diyala, Salahuddin and Kirkuk, posing threats to the liberated regions.

Occasional attacks have been witnessed in Mutaibija by Islamic State against government and paramilitary troops deployments since Iraqi forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and PMUs, launched a major offensive to retake areas occupied by IS since 2014,