Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi region in effort to dispose of Gulf War leftovers

 Iraqi region in effort to dispose of Gulf War leftovers

Landmine (representational photo)

Landmine (representational photo)

Dhi Qar ( During the second Gulf War of 1991, U.S. troops made their first airdrop at Tal al-Lahm, a region south of Nasseriya, Dhi Qar province. Twenty-eight years on, the region remains a restricted area due to thousands of tons of military equipment and chemical weapons used by Saddam Hussein’s forces during the two Gulf wars.

Speaking to Aljournal News, Dhi Qar MP Abdul-Hadi al-Saadawi said local authorities had allocated nearly ten acres for the processing and disposal of chemical and biological weapons. He said the local government had also formed a joint scientific panel with the Science and Technology Ministry.

The joint official efforts will start with handling remains of the biological and chemical weapons before moving to tanks and warplane parts, Saadawi told the website, noting that the negative effects of chemical and biological weapons on the surrounding environment remains under control.

“As for the unremoved landmines, some of which are placed near archaeological and military sites, another committee will handle their removal from Nassiriyah’s western regions which have contained a high degree of pollution due to consecutive wars,” the website quoted the official saying. He said leftovers at those regions include projectiles, rockets and cluster bombs.