Friday, September 20, 2024


Video : The moment volunteer vigilantes killed Baghdad alcoholics sellers

 Video : The moment volunteer vigilantes killed Baghdad alcoholics sellers

A screenshot from a video showing unknown shooters killing an alcoholics store’s owners in Baghdad.

A screenshot from a video showing unknown shooters killing an alcoholics store’s owners in Baghdad.

Baghdad ( A video circulated on the internet has shown the moment unidentified locals shot dead two young owners of an alcoholics shop in response to a community Facebook page that voiced discontent with the trade.

A Facebook page, whose name translates to “The People of Ghazaliya”, an area west of the Iraqi capital, said Saturday locals were unhappy with the store, adding that the “respectable” local population demanded authorities to immediately close it down.

“Are you with or against the closure?,” the post’s publisher asked, expecting interaction from the followers.

It was only three hours later when two attackers were shown in a video, apparently filmed by security cameras, shooting at the sellers through the fenced window.


The same page reported the killing, posting photos of the aftermath with the store’s floor stained with blood. It later removed, but some followers took screenshots of the post as evidence of its role in instigating the attack.

A screeonshot of an Iraqi facebook page showing an alcoholics store’s blood-stained floor following the shooting of its sellers.

On his facebook page, Yazidi activist Talal Haskani said the victims were Farhan Hejji, 20, a Yazidi migrant from Sinjar who had started working at the store only ten days earlier, while the other was Dawood Babery, 21, another Yazidi from Tel Kaif, north of Mosul.

Attacks against alcoholics stores have been rampant at Iraq’s religiously conservative regions over the past years.

Iraq’s parliament banned the import selling and manufacturing of alcoholics in October 2016, to the dismay of several personal freedoms activists.

An earlier law in 2001 had conditioned that alcoholics sells be non-Muslims, Iraqi nationals and not less than 21 of age.