Saturday, September 28, 2024


Islamic State whip, bite 4 women in Kirkuk for using cell phones

 Islamic State whip, bite 4 women in Kirkuk for using cell phones

Islamic State militants executing women

Islamic State militants executing women

Hawija ( Islamic State militants punished four women at their Kirkuk stronghold with biting and whipping for using cell phones without their knowledge, a local source said Wednesday.

The source told Alsumaria News that IS’s so-called “women police” raided one house in central Hawija (55 km southwest of Kirkuk) searching for “communication tools locals use to contact their relatives and check on them”.

Finding an SIM card at one part of the house, the female vigilantes arrested four women from the household, and referred them to the group’s judges who sentenced them to three lashes and the fourth, an elder, to ten “bites” in the hands and the back, according to the source.

Biting had been a common punishment for civilian women who violate IS militants’ daily life directives.

The Islamic State has executed hundreds of civilians for contacting security forces and collaborating with them at areas under its control, and has always been stringent regarding the use of communication equipment.

IS has held Kirkuk since 2014, and the town is one of the next targets for Iraqi forces which managed in July to retake the group’s former proclaimed “capital”: Mosul.