Monday, September 23, 2024


Over twenty Islamic State militants killed, injured on Iraqi-Syrian borders

 Over twenty Islamic State militants killed, injured on Iraqi-Syrian borders

Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units)

Pro-Iraqi government paramilitary forces, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units)
( More than twenty Islamic State militants were killed and wounded on common borders between Iraq and Syria, the Shia-led paramilitary troops announced on Sunday.

“The first and third brigades repulsed an attack launched by IS militants from three directions toward the Iraqi-Syrian borders in north of Tal Sufuk region,” the media service of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) said in a statement on Sunday.

“The troops killed twenty militants and injured eight others of the attackers, while four of their vehicles were burnt,” the statement added.

Badr Organization, which operates under the umbrella of the PMUs, announced earlier this year reaching to Iraqi-Syrian borders.

PMUs, an alliance of more than 60 mostly Shia militias, are recognized by the Iraqi government as a national force under the Prime Minister’s command. The troops has been actively engaged in the government’s campaign against the Islamic State that ran since mid-October, during which more than 25000 militants were killed. The troops contributed to the campaign by regaining control over IS holdouts near the Syrian borders.

Despite declaring the victory over IS in Mosul in July, observers say IS is believed to constitute a security threat even after the group’s defeat at its main havens across Iraqi provinces.’