Monday, September 23, 2024


Islamic State militants killed in civilian-backed offensive in Diyala

 Islamic State militants killed in civilian-backed offensive in Diyala

Iraqi police forces in Diyala

Iraqi police forces in Diyala

Baqubah ( Three Islamic State militants died in a surprise police operation backed by civilians in Diyala, the police command said Friday.

Ghaleb al-Attiya, spokesperson of the province’s police service, told Alsumaria News that civilians at al-Islah village (70 Km northeast of Baqubah waged a surprise attack, backed by police forces, on an Islamic State “sleeper cell” that was hiding at a rest house near a farmland in the area.

According to al-Attiya, the targeted cell was preparing for an attack on local residents and was believed to have been behind the kidnapping of two civilians three days earlier.

Violence and armed conflicts killed and wounded more than 500 Iraqis throughout July, according to a monthly count by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI).

Islamic State militants have launched occasional attacks against security forces and civilians in Diyala over the past few months, coinciding with government operations that managed to recapture the city of Mosul, Islamic State’s largest bastion in Iraq.

Done with Mosul, the government and military commanders intend to wage further offensives at other IS havens across the country, including Diyala, seeking to mark an end to the sel-proclaimed “caliphate” declared by the group back in 2014.