Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan News: Independence referendum “counterproductive” warns European Union

 Kurdistan News: Independence referendum “counterproductive” warns European Union

EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini

EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini

Baghdad ( Kurdistan News: Iraqi Kurdistan’s planned referendum on independence from Iraq will be “counterproductive”, the European Union warned early Wednesday, joining world powers opposing the disputed poll.

“The European Union reiterates its steadfast support for Iraq’s unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Unilateral actions, such as the proposed referendum, is counterproductive and must be avoided,” EU foreign policy representative, Federica Mogherini, said in a statement published on the organization’s website. “The EU recognises there are outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad that need to be resolved. This should be done through a peaceful and constructive dialogue leading to a mutually agreed solution based on the full application of the provisions of the Iraqi Constitution,” the statement added.

Kurdistan News

The outspoken opposition from the EU comes on the trail of other powers including the United States, Turkey, Iran and the United Nations.

Kurdistan Region slated a vote on independence from the central government in Baghdad for September 25th, and has, since then, defied calls from Baghdad to postpone the measure. Baghdad’s government has warned against the move repeatedly, with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi warning lately of an army intervention if a “yes” vote results in violence.

Kurdistan gained actual autonomous governance based on the 2005 constitution, but is still considered a part of Iraq. The region was created in 1970 based on an agreement with the Iraqi government, ending years of conflicts.