Saturday, September 21, 2024


U.N. Security Council voices concern over Kirkuk violence

 U.N. Security Council voices concern over Kirkuk violence

The UN Security Council.

The UN Security Council.

Baghdad ( The United Nations has expressed its concern regarding tensions between Iraqis and Kurds in Kirkuk province, urging de-escalation and avoiding the use of force, while stressing support for Iraq’s territorial unity.

“The members of the Security Council expressed concern over recent reports of violence near the city of Kirkuk, Iraq,” a statement released  late Wednesday read.

“Council members called on all sides to refrain from the threat and use of force, and to engage in constructive dialogue as a pathway to de-escalation and a means to preserve Iraqi unity while upholding the provisions of the Iraqi Constitution,” the council added.

“Council members reaffirmed their respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and unity of Iraq, as well as the importance of remaining focused on efforts to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh)”.

Iraqi troops, backed by Popular Mobilization Forces, took over Kirkuk province from Kurdish Peshmerga fighters on Tuesday, fulfilling Abadi’s earlier directives to retake areas where  sovereignty is disputed with Kurdistan Region’s Government. The military takeover came after Kurdistan voted in September to secede from Iraq. The Iraqi military command said it became in control over all of the province’s oil fields, military bases and government facilities.