Saturday, September 21, 2024


Greece to resume flights to Iraq Saturday, end years of hiatus

 Greece to resume flights to Iraq Saturday, end years of hiatus

Iraq is eyeing a flightline between Baghdad and Venice in Italy, Italian media quoted Iraqi transport officials as saying on Tuesday.

Iraq is eyeing a flightline between Baghdad and Venice in Italy, Italian media quoted Iraqi transport officials as saying on Tuesday.

Baghdad ( Iraq and Greece agreed on Wednesday to resume flights between the two countries next Saturday, ending years of halt of Greek flights to Iraq.

A statement by the Iraqi Transport Ministry said a delegation from the Iraqi civilian aviation authorities signed a draft agreement, preparing for the signature of a final version by Transport Minister Kazim Fanjan.

According to the ministry, the new agreement on exchanged flights will replace the one signed by both countries in 1971. A new memorandum of understanding will also replace an earlier one signed in 2009, by which both countries will run ten passenger flights and two cargo flights per week.

On Monday, Saudi Arabia sent its first flight to Iraq in 27 years. Saudi Arabia had suspended flights to Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait by late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussien.