Sunday, September 22, 2024


Security troops repulse Islamic State attack, north of Diyala

 Security troops repulse Islamic State attack, north of Diyala

A security checkpoint in Diyala

A security checkpoint in Diyala
Diyala ( Iraqi troops have repulsed an Islamic State attack against security checkpoint in north of Diyala, a local official said on Tuesday.

“Several IS members attempted in the evening launching an attack against joint security checkpoint of al-Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Forces] and police on the borders of the liberated al-BouEissa village, located in the vicinity of Udhaim town, from Salahuddin direction,” Mohamed Daifan al-Ebeidi, head of the town’s local council, told Alghad Press.

“Security personnel at the checkpoint managed to repel the attack and follow the militants with no casualties reported,” he added.

Ebeidi urged the troops to expedite the military operation at Mutaibija, located near Udhaim, to comb it from IS militants and preserve security at the province.

Mutaibija has complicated terrain, with numerous hills that serve as a good hideout for militants. Occasional attacks have been witnessed there by Islamic State against government and paramilitary troops deployments since Iraqi forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and PMUs, launched a major offensive to retake areas occupied by IS since 2014.

An attack against the al-Safra border crossing, north of Diyala, was repulsed by troops on Friday, leaving three security personnel killed and three others wounded.