Monday, September 23, 2024


Army soldiers wounded in bomb blasts in western Anbar

 Army soldiers wounded in bomb blasts in western Anbar

Aftermath of booby-trapped car explosion in east of Baghdad

Aftermath of booby-trapped car explosion in east of Baghdad
Anbar ( Several soldiers were injured in a blast caused by remnants of the battles against Islamic State in west of Anbar, a military source said on Friday.

Speaking to AlSumaria News, “bombs, planted by IS, exploded today targeting army troops in al-Rayhana, east of Annah town.”

“The explosion left several soldiers wounded,” the source, who preferred anonymity, said without providing details about the number of the wounded, who were taken to hospital for treatment.

Security troops still comb the liberated regions in western Anbar from the landmines planted during the war against the militant group.

Iraqi army announced the total recapture of the town of Annah and neighboring Rayhana area in September. Troops also liberated Akashat region, between Rutba town, on borders with Jordan, and Qaim, on borders with Syria.

Operations were launched, late October, to liberate Qaim and Rawa towns, which have been held by the extremist group since 2014, when it occupied one third of Iraq to proclaim a self-styled Islamic “Caliphate”.

Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced on Friday liberation of Qaim in record time. Operations in Rawa are expected to be launched soon.

Violence in the country has surged further with the emergence of Islamic State Sunni extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

One-hundred and fourteen Iraqi civilians were killed, while 244 others were wounded as result of terrorism, violence and armed conflicts during October, according to a monthly release by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate, coming in the first place with 177 civilian casualties (38 killed, 139 injured). Anbar province followed with 36 killed and 55 injured, and then Kirkuk with 18 killed and 33 injured.