Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan PM says political delegation to visit Baghdad soon

 Kurdistan PM says political delegation to visit Baghdad soon

Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani

Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani

Baghdad ( A political delegation from Iraqi Kurdistan Region will visit Baghdad soon for talks on the political crisis between the semi-autonomous region and the Iraqi central government, Kurdish premier Nechirvan Barzani was quoted saying Tuesday.

“A government delegation from Kurdistan Region will visit Baghdad soon, comprising all Kurdish components and parties”, Alghad Press quoted Barzani telling reporters after a meeting with the Kurdish Socialist Party.

“Visits and meetings we have been holding with Kurdish parties were meant to discuss the recent developments in the region,” he added. “The details of those meetings shall be revealed to the people of Kurdistan”.

A political crisis erupted in September when Kurdistan held a referendum in which a vast majority voted for independence from Iraq, a move the Baghdad government deemed unconstitutional. Baghdad answered the poll with retaking territories where sovereignty is disputed with Erbil.

On Monday, Iraq’s supreme court ruled that the Kurdish referendum was unconstitutional. Baghdad has insisted that any dialogue with Erbil should be done after the region disowns the the results of the referendum.

Besides the autonomy and territorial sovereignty, Erbil and Baghdad disagree over a host of issues, including the region’s share of the national budget.