Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Iraq condemns deadly attack against Egypt’s Sinai mosque

 Iraq condemns deadly attack against Egypt’s Sinai mosque

The Iraqi president, Fuad Masum and Egyptian President Sisi

The Iraqi president, Fuad Masum and Egyptian President Sisi
Baghdad ( Iraqi President Fuad Masum has offered condolences to Egypt over the terrorist attack that took place on Friday in Sinai.

In a telegraph, Masum expressed, “deepest feelings of pain and condolences over the loss of the innocent victims due to the terrorist attack against al-Rawda village, west of Arish in Sinai today.”

Masum also expressed solidarity of the Iraqi people with the Egyptian people against terrorist groups. “We highly condemn such crime that violates all religious doctrines and human traditions.”

At least 235 people were killed, while more than 100 others were wounded in a bloody attack as militants bombed and gunned down worshippers as they were finished the Friday prayers, according to Egyptian media reports.

In a televised speech, Sisi said that armed forces and police will take revenge and restore security and stability with the utmost force. “What is happening is an attempt to stop us from our efforts in the fight against terrorism, to destroy our efforts to stop the terrible criminal plan that aims to destroy what is left of our region.”

Egypt has been fighting Islamist insurgency in northern Sinai, which gathered pace after the military overthrew President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013 following mass protests.