Friday, September 20, 2024


Commander: IS made edicts to kill dogs, plant drugs on borders between two provinces

 Commander: IS made edicts to kill dogs, plant drugs on borders between two provinces

Islamic State militants

Islamic State militants
Salahuddin ( A leader from the pro-government paramilitary troops have revealed that the Islamic State group issued several edicts at regions on borders between Diyala and Salahuddin provinces.

“Mutaibija region, located on borders between Diyala and Salahuddin, have been a shelter for the remnants of IS escaping from five states. The militant group tried to turn the region to a state, thanks to its geographic location, which threatens several provinces at the same time,” Jabbar al-Maamouri, a leader with al-Hashd al-haabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) told AlSumaria News on Tuesday.

“The group issued several edicts in Mutaibija. One of them was urging the militants to kill dogs considering them as moving devils,” he said.

The group, according to Maamouri, “wanted to plant some drugs in Mutaibija, as it was suffering shortage of drugs. However, the recent combing operations ruined their schemes.”

On Monday, Karim al-Khaqani, PMFs commander, said in a press statement that operations lasted for three days to purge Mutaibija and surrounding areas have come to an end with the support of the Iraqi army’s 15th division and the airforce.

Iraqi forces, backed by a U.S.-led coalition and paramilitary troops, have been fighting since October 2016 to retake territories Islamic State had occupied. Since then, forces took back the group’s former capital, Mosul, the town of Tal Afar, Kirkuk’s Hawija, and Anbar’s Annah, Rawa and Qaim.