Friday, September 20, 2024


Jabouri calls for holding election on time, making use of IS defeat

 Jabouri calls for holding election on time, making use of IS defeat

Jabouri speaking at the press conference

Jabouri speaking at the press conference

Basra ( – Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri has stressed the importance of holding election on time, particularly following the defeat of Islamic State.

Speaking at a press conference on Sunday at the Basra city hall, Jabouri was quoted by Alghad Press as saying, “It is necessary to hold election on time and keep ourselves away from any kind of political disputes.”

“We should take advantage of the recent victory over Islamic State, which was achieved thanks to sacrifices of the Iraqi security forces,” he said.

“Following the defeat of terrorism, everyone of us has become accountable for restoring Iraq’s stability and embarking on the reconstruction process of the country as soon as possible.”

“We cannot overlook the youths, whose lives are daily claimed by terrorism,” Jabouri pointed out, stressing that it is the time now to restore Iraq’s economic stability.

Jabouri, meanwhile, described the issue of salary payments as a “red line” that cannot be touched.

He also called for giving governorates more authorities to help them assume their duties as best as possible, warning that such authorities should not be misused.

“Some people believe that our mission has ended, but in fact it has just begun,” he said, revealing that he will meet a number of security officials in the province to discuss the latest security and service developments in Basra city.

Two weeks ago, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared final victory over Islamic State three years after the militant group captured about a third of Iraq’s territory.

“Abadi’s announcement came two days after Russia announced a similar victory over Islamic State militants in neighboring Syria. Abadi declared Dec. 10 an annual national holiday on this occasion.