Friday, September 20, 2024


Two people wounded in southern Baghdad bomb blast

 Two people wounded in southern Baghdad bomb blast

Iraqi policemen stand guard outside a Baghdad police academy that was the target of a suicide car bombing on Sunday. CNN

Iraqi policemen stand guard outside a Baghdad police academy that was the target of a suicide car bombing. CNN/Photo

Baghdad ( – Two people were wounded Wednesday in a bomb blast in southern the Iraqi capital Baghdad, a security source was quoted as saying.

Speaking to Baghdad Today, the source said, “A bomb exploded near popular markets in Suwaib neighborhood in southern Baghdad, leaving two people injured.”

“A security force rushed to the blast site and carried the injured to a nearby hospital for treatment,” the source added.

Earlier in the day, a bomb exploded while a car driven by an employee at the Trade Ministry was passing by al-Jihad district in western Baghdad. The explosion left the driver dead.

According to the monthly release by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), a total of 69 civilians, excluding police personnel, were killed, while 142 others were wounded in December due to acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict across the country.

The worst affected province was Baghdad with 122 civilian casualties (24 killed, 98 injured). Salahuddin ranked the second place, with 7 killed and 25 injured, then Kirkuk came third with 15 killed and 6 injured.

The figures saw a significant decline from November’s which reached a total of 117 Iraqi civilians killed and another 264 injured.

As many as 3,298 civilians were killed and 4,781 others were wounded in 2017, excluding Anbar civilian casualty figures for November and December, which are not available, the report added.