Saturday, September 21, 2024


Conference kicks off in Iraq for reconstruction of war-torn Mosul

 Conference kicks off in Iraq for reconstruction of war-torn Mosul

The anti-terror war in Iraq has left several areas devastated and in need of humanitarian assistance

The anti-terror war in Iraq has left several areas devastated and in need of humanitarian assistance

Nineveh ( – A conference kicked off Sunday in the city hall of Nineveh province to lure investors to play a role in reconstructing Mosul, a city which witnessed severe damage by the Islamic State militant group.

Speaking to Alghad Press news website, Oday al-A’dhami, a spokesman for the conference, said,  “Scores of investment companies, activists and officials attended today’s gathering to probe ways of pumping more investments into war-torn Mosul.”

“The conference is part of the Iraqi government’s bids to lure the largest possible number of investors and businessmen to reconstruct areas devastated by the anti-terror war in Mosul,” A’dhami highlighted.

He also pointed out that the Iraqi government had ordered to facilitate procedures for investors and provide a perfect environment for them to inject more investments into the Iraqi market.

Last moth, Kuwait hosted an international donors conference for the reconstruction of Iraq after the damage sustained during the war against Islamic State militants since 2014. At the end of the conference, Iraq had acquired nearly USD30 billion, much less than a previously projected USD100 billion.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced in July 2017 the liberation of the second largest Iraqi city of Mosul from IS militants, who had captured it in 2014. More than 25,000 militants were killed throughout the campaign, which started in October 2016.

The war against IS had displaced nearly five million people both inside and outside the country, and dealt a severe damage to the country’s infrastructure.