Saturday, September 21, 2024


PM thanks European countries for financial contributions at Kuwait conf.

 PM thanks European countries for financial contributions at Kuwait conf.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

Baghdad ( – Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi thanked on Sunday European countries for their financial contributions to Iraq at the international conference hosted by Kuwait last month for the reconstruction of the country.

Abadi made the remarks during a meeting with a group of European ambassadors to Iraq, his media office said in a statement, a copy of which was obtained by the Independent Press Agency Sunday.

“The three-day gathering sent a message that the world countries support Iraq’s reconstruction and stability following the great victory the country achieved over terrorism,” Abadi noted.

The premier stressed that the Iraqi government is determined to “go on with its development plan aimed at providing job opportunities for youth in partnership with the private sector.”

The meeting also tackled means of boosting cooperation between Iraq and the European Union, as well as contributions that could be made by the West in support of Iraq’s reconstruction.

Kuwait hosted an international donors conference for the reconstruction of Iraq after the damage sustained during the war against Islamic State militants since 2014. At the end of the conference, Iraq had acquired nearly USD30 billion, much less than a previously projected USD100 billion.

The war against IS had displaced nearly five million people both inside and outside the country, and dealt a severe damage to the country’s infrastructure.