Friday, September 20, 2024


Hundreds protest in Iraq against U.S. airstrikes on Syria

 Hundreds protest in Iraq against U.S. airstrikes on Syria

Baghdad ( Hundreds of Iraqi citizens protested on Sunday in central Baghdad against the aistrikes carried out against Syria on Saturday, AlSumaria News reported.

The civilians, according to the report, staged a demonstration in al-Tahrir region in Baghdad against the airstrikes launched by U.S., backed by Britain and France, against Syria.

The protesters raised Iraqi and Syrian flag in solidarity with Syrian people. They also chanted against the U.S. and its allies.

Earlier today, security troops blocked the roads near from Tahrir region and imposed tight measures as the protest was staged.

On Saturday, Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called for a mass rally against the strikes on Syria, stressing that only the Iraqi and Syrian flags should be raised in the protest.

On the same day, each of U.S., France and Britain launched airstrikes against several regions in Syria. The U.S. Secretary of Defense said launching more strikes will depend on the Syrian reaction.

The three attacking countries accused Assad of attacking the Douma suburb of Damascus with chemical agents, earlier this month.

Saad al-Hadithi, spokesperson for the Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, was quoted last week as saying that Iraqi troops at the northern borders of Iraq have been on high alert to confront any attacks that could come from Syria.

This came after U.S. President Donald Trump warned Russia of imminent military action in Syria, lambasting Russia for supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.