Friday, September 20, 2024


SDF says battle against Islamic State to resume in east of Euphrates

 SDF says battle against Islamic State to resume in east of Euphrates

A fighter belongs to the Syrian Democratic Forces.

A fighter belongs to the Syrian Democratic Forces.
Baghdad ( The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have announced resuming the battle against the last bastion of Islamic State in east of Euphrates.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, SDF said, “our troops are determined to resume the Jazeera Storm operation to eliminate Islamic State on behalf of the Syrian people and the whole world.”

The militant group, according to the statement, “highly exists near the Iraqi borders, through which it seeks preserves keeping a safe shelter to plan for attacks worldwide and expand its territories in Syria and Iraq.”

“Our troops, backed by the U.S.-led Coalition started the final phase of the operation and will liberate those regions and secure the Iraqi-Syrian borders and eliminate IS presence in east of Syria,” it added.

The forces also welcomed support by the Iraqi forces.

IS had recently attacked locations of SDF, which suspended the operation after Turkey began an attack against Afrin, located west of Kurdistan, in January.

The group is currently located in four villages at the eastern banks of Euphrates river. It is also located at the northeastern part of Deir ez-Zour, which is linked to the southern part of al-Hasaka, reaching to the Iraqi-Syrian borders.