Saturday, September 21, 2024


Pro-gov’t troops deny news on Islamic State clashes against Peshmerga, U.S. forces

 Pro-gov’t troops deny news on Islamic State clashes against Peshmerga, U.S. forces

Representational photo.

Representational photo.
Salahuddin ( The pro-government paramilitary troops have denied news about clashes between Islamic State members against U.S. forces and Peshmerga on the borders of Tuz Khurmatu region in Salahuddin.

Speaking to Almaalomah website, Ali al-Husseini, spokesperson for the northern axis of al-Hashd al-Shaabi, said “Peshmerga seeks creating chaos and destabilizing the region through spreading false rumors to provoke wrath of the people and promote for candidates of Kurdish parties.”

Husseini denied any confrontations between the Peshmerga and U.S. soldiers against IS in Kefri region in Tuz Khurmatu.

The region, according to Husseini, “is mountainous and is hard for Peshmerga troops and U.S. soldiers to access it and confront IS members there.”

Earlier today, Kurdish media channels quoted Mohamed Jori, head of Peshmerga forces in Nugul town, said, U.S. and Peshmerga forces were trapped by Islamic State members on the borders of Dawi region as they carrying out an operation against the militant group. Many militants were killed, Jori said without giving the accurate number of them.

Thousands of Islamic State militants as well as Iraqi civilians were killed since the government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and the coalition, was launched in October 2016 to fight the militant group.