Monday, September 23, 2024


Jordan arrests two people while infiltration into Syria

 Jordan arrests two people while infiltration into Syria

Jordanian troops. Archival photo.

Jordanian troops. Archival photo.
Baghdad ( Jordan has announced arresting two Islamic State persons while attempting infiltration into Syria.

In a press release, the Jordanian army said “two people, belongs to Islamic State, were arrested while trying to sneak into Syria to join the militant group there.”

Investigations, according to the army, were conducted with the arrested people, who believed in the group’s ideology. “They agreed on stabbing and assaulting policemen,” the statement said. “They also agreed on carrying out sabotage through using molotovs.”

In April, Jordanian security sources have revealed cooperation with Iraq to enable border troops to follow Islamic State members on the borders between the two countries.

In Febraury, Jordan’s army announced foiling a terrorist scheme to smuggle extremists, weapons and drugs via old oil pipelines on the borders between each of Jordan, Syria and Iraq.

Jordan’s Interior Minister Ghaleb al-Zaabi met, in the same month, with his Iraqi counterpart Qassim al-Aaraj, when they agreed on forming a joint committee to supervise security of the borders and operate patrols alongside the borders.

Earlier this year, Jordan highlighted sanctions imposed against those who promote for terrorist ideologies or attempt joining extremist groups.

The Jordanian foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, had said that Jordan will continue to help and support Iraq, and step up mutual coordination at the security and defense levels to face the threat of terrorism.