Friday, September 20, 2024


Syrian Democratic Forces recapture village from Islamic State on borders with Iraq

 Syrian Democratic Forces recapture village from Islamic State on borders with Iraq

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters on their way to Raqqa, Syria June 6, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters on their way to Raqqa, Syria June 6, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said
Baghdad ( The Syrian Democratic Forces have recaptured a village on the Iraqi-Syrian borders following confrontation with Islamic State members, Sky News Arabia reported on Friday.

In breaking news, the satellite channel reported that “Syrian Democratic Forces managed, today, to recapture al-Theeba village, on the borders between Iraq and Syria, following confrontations with Islamic State members.”

Islamic State controls small region, east of Deir az-Zour at the south of Hasaka near Iraqi borders, where the Syrian Democratic Forces carry out operations, backed by the U.S. coalition to get the militants out of it.

In May, SDF, backed by Washington, announced resuming the battles to retake the last pockets of IS in east of Syria, after suspending the operations when Turkey started in January attack against Efrin, controlled by the U.S.-led Coalition in northwest of Syria.

The troops announced in September launching the Operation al-Jazeera Storm to liberate the eastern countryside of Deir az-Zour province.

The Iraqi-Syrian borders are under the control of joint troops of military and border guards.

Iraqi warplanes launched, last month, a new wave of air raids against outposts of the Islamic State group in Syria.

In April, Abadi denied intentions to intervene within Syrian affairs, saying airstrikes against Islamic State will continue.