Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq denies reports about shelling of U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

 Iraq denies reports about shelling of U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

Baghdad ( – Iraqi authorities denied on Sunday that the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad came under a mortar attack by Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi militias in response to last week’s airstrikes on Iraqi-Syrian borders, which left scores of the pro-Iran fighters dead and injured.

Ghaleb al-Zamali, a member of Baghdad provincial council’s security committee, told Basnews website that “reports about the shelling of the U.S. Embassy in the Green Zone, Baghdad, are inaccurate. No bombardments were reported against the the U.S. Embassy or elsewhere.”

Al-Zamali accused some parties “of attempting to spread rumors for political purposes,” stressing that the situation in Baghdad is stable and there is no security tension.

Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces said on Monday that up to 34 fighters its members were killed and wounded Sunday after the U.S.-led international coalition targeted a military outpost in the Syrian city of Albu Kamal.

“At 22:00 last night a U.S. plane hit a fixed headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces’ 45th and 46th brigades defending the border strip with Syria using two guided missiles which led to the martyrdom of 22 fighters,” it said in a statement.

According to the statement, the airstrike left 12 others wounded.

“The U.S. should issue a detailed statement on that issue, especially that such airstrikes have been recurrent throughout the past period,” the statement concluded.