Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi oil fields guards killed by Islamic State attackers in Kirkuk

 Iraqi oil fields guards killed by Islamic State attackers in Kirkuk

Iraqi forces in Kirkuk

Iraqi forces in Kirkuk

Kirkuk ( Two Iraqi oil field guards were killed early Wednesday in an attack by Islamic State militants in Kirkuk province, north of Iraq, a security source was quoted saying.

Kurdish network Rudaw quoted Hamed al-Obaidi, from Kirkuk province, saying that  the attackers fired at a checkpoint at the oil fields in Dibis, northwest of the province

Obaidi said the gunmen wounded four others and managed to flee after the attack .

In a separate incident, Obaidi said security killed a suicide bomber before blowing himself up near the Dibis hospital.

Kirkuk has seen occasional bloody attacks against civilians and security forces since Iraqi forces drove out Kurdish troops following the political standoff resulting from the referendum in which Kurdistan Region voted for independence from Iraq.

Iraqi premier Haider al-Abadi had ordered military operations in Kirkuk in retaliation for the recent execution of eight Iraqis by Islamic State militants at the province. The government declared victory over the militant group and regaining all territories under its control in December 2017.