Monday, September 23, 2024


MP: Shipment of carcinogenic chicken planned to enter Iraq coming from Jordan

 MP: Shipment of carcinogenic chicken planned to enter Iraq coming from Jordan

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Representational photo

Baghdad ( – An Iraqi lawmaker has warned that a shipment of carcinogenic chicken is planned to enter Iraq after having been re-packed in Jordan.

“The 500-ton shipment of cancer-causing chicken was labeled with names of fake Jordanian and UAE companies in Jordan so as to facilitate their entry into Iraq via border ports,” MP Alia Nasif told AlSumaria News Saturday.

She noted that the shipment is still stuck at the border port between Iraq and Jordan, awaiting the green light from some corrupt employees to enter the country ahead of Eidul Adha.

Nasif called on the “government and relevant executive bodies to take a firm action against such crimes, which are not less dangerous than the threat of terrorism.”

Earlier this month, Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said that he was planning to publish a list of corrupt government officials who will be referred to the judiciary very soon on corruption charges.

Abadi’s remarks came in response to the demands of the demonstrators who staged rallies across Iraq’s main cities, especially southern ones, on July 8 in protest at widespread corruption, unemployment, high prices, power cuts and a lack of basic services.

In 2017, Iraq ranked 166 out of 176 on the Transparency Index, making it one of the most corrupt countries in the world.