Friday, September 27, 2024


Washington seeks increasing military bases in Iraq: Expert

 Washington seeks increasing military bases in Iraq: Expert

U.S. soldiers deployed in Iraq

U.S. soldiers deployed in Iraq
Baghdad ( Washington is working on increasing the total number of U.S. bases in Iraq during the coming period of time, a security expert said on Sunday.

Speaking to Almaalomah website, Safaa al-Aasam, said, “the number of U.S. military bases in the northern and western provinces is estimated at nine bases, at which U.S. combat troops, part of the international coalition, are being trained.”

Washington, according to Aasam, “seeks increasing the number of military bases up to 12 bases.” He also added that Washington “takes advantage of the security situation at the border region between Iraq and Syria to keep its combat forces.”

The U.S. will depend on the security failure “to keep its military presence in Iraq and Syria, as well as using the military bases in Iraq to threaten the neighboring countries.”

Aasam also indicated that “the international coalition, led by the U.S., prevents the security forces from reaching to these bases, as well as preventing fighter jets to fly above them in order not to reveal the real number of personnel and the capabilities there.”

On Sunday, the coalition was U.S. forces will remain in Iraq, so long as there is a need for that, which is contrary to the U.S. promises to withdraw from Iraq after Islamic State was defeated.