Saturday, September 21, 2024


Over 100 Islamic State members fled Mosul toward Diyala: Source

 Over 100 Islamic State members fled Mosul toward Diyala: Source

Islamic State militants

Islamic State militants
Diyala ( Over 100 Islamic State members have infiltrated into Diyala province coming from Mosul, an official from the province said on Wednesday.

Speaking to Baghdad Today website, Awad Rubai’e, head of the security committee of Abu Sayda town, said, “information from security departments confirmed that 180 Islamic State members sneaked from Mosul into some regions in Diyala.”

Rubai’e blamed the frequent attacks in the province on “actions by the militants who endanger the safety and stability of the province.”

Earlier today, two senior officers were killed in an armed attack, northeast of Baquba in Diyala. On Tuesday, an Iraqi soldier was killed, while four workers were wounded in two bomb blasts in Diyala

Thousands of Islamic State militants as well as Iraqi civilians were killed since the government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and the coalition was launched in October 2016.

Islamic State continues to launch sporadic attacks across Iraq against troops. Security reports indicate that the militant group still poses threat against stability in the country. The group still has dormant cells, through which it carries out attacks, across Iraq like it used to do before 2014.

In December, the Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced gaining control on all the territories that were captured by Islamic State, since 2014.