Friday, September 20, 2024


Russia says attempts underway to re-deploy terrorists from Syria to Iraq

 Russia says attempts underway to re-deploy terrorists from Syria to Iraq

Idlib is the sole large region in Syria, which remains under the control of illegal armed formations.

Idlib is the sole large region in Syria, which remains under the control of illegal armed formations.

Moscow ( – A senior Russian diplomat has warned that his country received information on the attempts to re-deploy terrorists from Syria’s Idlib to Iraq, adding that these actions are being cut off.

“There are the attempts of redeployment [of terrorists from Idlib] to Iraq but they are being cut off. Iraq is dealing with that and it clearly does not need extra terrorists,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov told TASS news agency on Tuesday.

At their September 17 meeting in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, Russian and Turkish Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to create a de-militarized zone in Idlib along the line of the engagement of the Syrian troops and the opposition.

Under the agreement, heavy weapons should be withdrawn from it while Russian and Turkish military patrols will exercise control of that territory.

Idlib is the sole large region in Syria, which remains under the control of illegal armed formations. In 2017, the northern de-escalation zone was established there to allow militants with their families who had refused to reconcile with the authorities and voluntarily surrender their arms to move to that area.