Friday, September 20, 2024


2 ISIS brits killed by coalition airstrike in Syria

 2 ISIS brits killed by coalition airstrike in Syria

File Photo.

2 ISIS brits killed by coalition airstrike in Syria
File Photo.

(Syria News) Two Jihadi brits belonging to the Islamic State group were killed, on Saturday, by an air strike carried out by the international coalition warplanes on Jayb Hajin area, east of the Euphrates, the last stronghold of ISIS in Syria.

Pro-ISIS Twitter accounts mourned the two jihadists, Nasser Ahmed Muthanna, nicknamed “Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni” and Siddhartha Dhar, nicknamed “Abu Rumaysa al-Britany”, while pointed out that they were killed by a coalition air strike on east of the Euphrates.

Meanwhile, the British researcher Charles Leister explained that the killing of the two jihadists will be an important event in the UK.

He also added that the Jihadi Siddhartha Dhar was a close aide to the ISIS leader Anjem Choudary, who fled the UK and joined the “Islamic State” group, and later was described as a global terrorist by the United States.

Read more: 2 jihadi brits killed by coalition airstrike east of Euphrates