Saturday, September 21, 2024


Egypt’s ousted president Morsi dies during trial session in espionage case

 Egypt’s ousted president Morsi dies during trial session in espionage case

Egypt’s ous

Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi

Cairo ( – Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi died on Monday in Cairo during a trial session in an espionage case, according to Egyptian state TV.

Morsi, who was 67, was pronounced dead shortly after fainting during the session, which he attended as a defendant, Ahram Online reported.

Before his demise, the presiding judge allowed Morsi to speak upon his request.

Morsi’s body has been transferred to an unnamed hospital.

Egypt’s Prosecutor-General Nabil Sadek said that during the trial and after hearing the defence of the second and third defendants in the case, the court granted Morsi permission to speak as per his request.

“Morsi spoke for five minutes before the court adjourned the hearing and moved the defendants back to the trial cage,” Sadek said in a statement.

“After returning to the trial cage, Morsi fell unconscious and was immediately transferred to the hospital.

“The initial medical examination of Morsi showed that he had no pulse, no indications of breathing and his eyes were open and unresponsive to light or stimuli,” the statement added.

“Morsi was dead when he arrived at the hospital at 4:15 pm with no signs of any injuries on his body,” the statement said.

Sadek has ordered a team of prosecutors from the High State Security Prosecution and the South Cairo Prosecution to examine Morsi’s body and to obtain footage from surveillance cameras at the court, as well as interviewing those who were present at the time of the former president’s death.

The prosecutor-general also ordered Morsi’s medical file to be handed over to the prosecution and mandated a senior forensic committee headed by the head of the forensics department to prepare a report on the cause of Morsi’s death.

The prosecution said it will continue to issue statements regarding any developments.

According to informed judicial sources, Morsi was treated in accordance with the law while in detention, and was being examined by doctors on a regular basis.