Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq praises important U.S.-North Korea talks on nuclear agreement

 Iraq praises important U.S.-North Korea talks on nuclear agreement

Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim meeting on the south side of the demarcation line between North and South Korea on Sunday.CreditErin Schaff/The New York Times

Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim meeting on the south side of the demarcation line between North and South Korea on Sunday.CreditErin Schaff/The New York Times

Baghdad ( – Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Ali Alhakim has hailed as “important” recent talks held between U.S. President Donald Trump and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un at the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone in the Korean Peninsula.

“The initiative taken by Pres Trump @POTUS w/ #NorthKorea is very important to world peace & security,” Alhakim wrote on Tweeter Monday.

Trump has become the first sitting American president to set foot at the Demilitarized Zone to restart negotiations with Kim on a long-elusive nuclear agreement.

“This has a lot of significance because it means that we want to bring an end to the unpleasant past and try to create a new future,” Mr. Kim told reporters. “So it’s a very courageous and determined act.”

“Stepping across that line was a great honor,” Mr. Trump replied. “A lot of progress has been made, a lot of friendships have been made, and this has been in particular a great friendship.”

Commenting on the recent U.S.-China trade agreement, Alhakim expected that it “will help stabilize trades worldwide.”

Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping reached an agreement at the G20 summit in Japan to resume trade talks, in a move that is expected to put an end to the global economic slowdown.

Trump also said he would allow US companies to continue to sell to Chinese tech giant Huawei