Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi President calls for formation of international coalition against corruption

 Iraqi President calls for formation of international coalition against corruption

Iraqi President Barham Salih and European Parliament’s Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense Nathalie Loiseau. Iraqi Presidency image.

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, stated on Tuesday that there is a need to form an international coalition to fight corruption, during his meeting with a delegation from the European Parliament headed by the Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense, Nathalie Loiseau, in Al-Salam Palace in Baghdad.

According to a press statement issued by the Iraqi Presidency, Salih emphasized the importance of the bilateral relations between Iraq and the European Union.

Salih confirmed that the EU is considered a key partner in various fields, particularly in combating terrorism, fighting ISIS terrorist group, and developing the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces by benefiting from European experiences in this field, according to the presidency statement.

The Iraqi President clarified that there is a need to form an international coalition to combat corruption, similar to the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS, because corruption is the political economy of violence and terrorism.

Salih added that terrorism and extremism will not be eradicated unless their funding sources, which basically come from corruption funds, are dried up. He also explained that terrorism and corruption are linked and serve one another.

During the meeting, Salih also elaborated that Iraqi security forces strongly continue their operations to eliminate any remaining terrorist groups threatening the security of Iraq and the region.

On the other side, Loiseau affirmed the EU commitment to support Iraq’s security and stability, and to strengthen the ability of Iraqi security forces to combat terrorism. She also commended the role Iraq plays in the fight against ISIS, in addition to its efforts in establishing security and stability in the region.