Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi FM investigates Iraqi immigrants’ exposure to life-threatening risks reports

 Iraqi FM investigates Iraqi immigrants’ exposure to life-threatening risks reports

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday that it is investigating the accuracy of reports indicating that Iraqi immigrants were exposed to life-threatening risks.

“The ministry is following closely what has been circulated in media regarding the exposure of several Iraqi immigrants to life-threatening risks,” the spokesperson of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, mentioned in a press statement.

“We are investigating the accuracy of what has been mentioned in official reports. We are coordinating with the concerned authorities and international bodies to make sure of the details mentioned in the reports. Our embassies in the concerned countries are investigating the validity of the information,” Sahaf explained.

The central office of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus announced earlier it provided an Iraqi delegation visiting Minsk with evidences and information about mass executions of Iraqi refugees by Polish soldiers, on the Polish side of the border with Belarus, according to Russia Today news.  

According to a statement published by the Belarusian Investigative Committee, a meeting was held with the Iraqi delegation in the central office of the Belarusian Investigative Committee, and was attended by employees of the investigative committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of the State Border Committee and human rights center, Russia Today news mentioned.  

The statement mentioned that the Iraqi side was informed of the information concluded from the investigations with a Polish soldier about mass executions and secret burial of refugees killed by the Polish army in Polish side of the border with the Republic of Belarus, according to Russia Today news.

The Iraqi side obtained information about the results of investigations into violations committed by Polish officials. These violations include expulsion, cruelty, torture, and deliberate negligence in providing assistance, leading to the death of refugees from Middle Eastern countries including Iraq and Afghanistan.