Friday, September 20, 2024


Saudi-Iranian dialogue rounds paved the way for political dialogue

 Saudi-Iranian dialogue rounds paved the way for political dialogue

The flags of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi government confirmed that the five rounds of dialogue hosted by Baghdad moved the course of Saudi-Iranian relations to a stage of understanding and exchange of views on many regional issues, and paved the way for solutions and strategic initiatives.

“Iraq’s endeavor, through the efforts made by Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, aims to bring the region to the stage of regional harmony, stability, cooperation and development,” Adviser to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Hussein Allawi, said in a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

“Iraq led endeavors to restore regional stability through the Saudi-Iranian initiative to reduce escalation and normalize relations. This is what prompted Al-Kadhimi to play his role since the start of the unannounced talks between the two parties in on April 9, 2021,” Allawi revealed.  

“The success of the first round, despite the apparent difficulties at the beginning, resulted in holding four other rounds of this dialogue which was successful from the beginning. The two sides continued to hold rounds of dialogue until they are announced in media, and this was expressed by Al-Kadhimi during his recent visits to Saudi Arabia and Iran,” Allawi added.