Friday, September 20, 2024


UN: More than 200 thousand Yazidis still displaced in Iraq

 UN: More than 200 thousand Yazidis still displaced in Iraq

Yazidi women holding photos of victims of the August 2014 massacre carried out in the Sinjar region by ISIS terrorists. Photo: AFP

Baghdad ( – The United Nations announced on Thursday that more than 200 thousand survivors of the massacres committed by the terrorist group of ISIS against the Yazidis eight years ago are still displaced across Iraq, according to a press statement issued by the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The statement clarified that the needs of the displaced, some of whom live in camps, remain high, adding that the lack of adequate housing and basic services, such as water, electricity, health care and education, impedes the return of the displaced to their homeland in Sinjar city.

ISIS terrorists destroyed about 80 percent of the public infrastructure and 70 percent of civilian homes in and around Sinjar city, in addition to the natural resources in the area. The extremist group also destroyed irrigation canals and wells, and stole or destroyed agricultural equipment and lands, according to the statement.

More than 2,700 people are missing, including people detained by ISIS group, the statement mentioned.

“The scale of the atrocities committed against the Yazidi community will affect future generations,” Sandra Orlovic, Reparations Officer with IOM Iraq.

Orlovic also mentioned that the Iraqi government and the international community must create conditions that guarantee the Yazidis that these atrocities will not be repeated and help them rebuild their lives.