Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq to rehabilitate two main highways north and south of Baghdad

 Iraq to rehabilitate two main highways north and south of Baghdad

Baghdad-Kirkuk road.

Baghdad ( – The Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works announced on Monday it is rehabilitating two main roads north and south of Baghdad, according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

“The most important project being implemented currently is the rehabilitation of the Baghdad-Kirkuk road which travelers have been suffering from,” Director of Roads and Bridges Directorate at the Ministry of Construction, Hussein Jasem, said.

Jasem indicated that the rehabilitation of Baghdad-Kirkuk road is the biggest project to be implemented in the past 30 years.

“The directorate started rehabilitating 400 kilometers all at once, and this is considered a long distance for similar projects,” Jasem explained.  

“The project aims to improve this important axis which contributes to the transport of both goods and travelers,” Jasem mentioned.

“The rehabilitation of the highway between Baghdad and Basra is also one of the strategic projects. We implemented approximately 350 kilometers out of the total distance which is 550 kilometers,” Jasem indicated.

Jasem added that the rehabilitation project of the road between Baghdad and Basra is not only a project to maintain the road, but it is a radical rehabilitation to restore it to its original condition.